Memorie future – Disseminati


Memorie future, S. Osvaldo church, Rovereto,Italy

Solo exhibition:

The monographic exhibition at S. Osvaldo is entirely dedicated to the project Living Equipment: portable spaces, by Michela Dal Brollo and Ines Ballesteros, and is articulated between their visionary inventions and the documentation of their use in performances carried out in different cities in Europe between 2019 and 2023.” Elena Righini (curator)

Part of the exhibition showcases sculptural tools used during the workshop-performance. The ‘Parol della Polenta’, a typical Trentino pot supported on a tripod is used to mix ingredients and pieces of storytelling to prepare gelatine used for printting.  The gelatin was then pureed into other clay sculptures called ‘Laghi’.


To elaborate on this relational installation Michela and Ines drew inspiration from trichoptera, small creatures that live in rivers or lakes. These aquatic insects have a soft and vulnerable exoskeleton, so they build their own ‘shell’ using their saliva and materials found in the surrounding environment. Depending on the environment, the created shell changes color and shape, sustainably adapting to the space. Their method of assembly inspires the artists, who create, together with the participants of the interactive workshops, a collage of ideas, which are then expressed through gelatin printing. A collective habitat is thus created, founded around the gelatin according to the specificities of the place involved in the process”. Elena Righini

Elena Righini curated the exhibition. The exhibition took part in the program of Memorie Future organized by Spazio Piera and il Funambolo associations. 

Thanks to the partnership of Scuola di S. Osvaldoando and La Foresta who supported our project.

The sculpture “Laghi” was shown and performed as well during the festival Osvaldo Oltre e Oltre in the form of a workshop  to make collective drawings